Its time to say good bye, there's a lot of things to say
But my time has run out, i cant stay here anymore
Every second its important for me
I know you don't care about this
I wont explain this to you
To be honest, i believe I'm crazy
All of this time i tried to figure out so many things,
I don't like how people look at me and judge me,
I don't like how you look at me and judge me,
Sometimes i don't understand whats going on!
Why are you looking at me like that?
Is this bothering you?
I don't even remember your face right now
I feel like an idiot writing this right now
But, i don't understand you ...
And you don't understand anything at all
That's why I'm leaving, That's why I'm leaving you my dear "friend"
I'm leaving you because you wont find out what i tried to tell you all this time
But Do you Care? ... No
Just let the time flow, and let me go with the wind.
Look somewhere else, because when you try to search for me again
I wont be there anymore.